'dodger' frames c/o london retro glasses
remember that time i went to the eye doctor because i was getting ferocious headaches (that turned out to be nothing but stress related, thanks body), and she told me that i didn't really need glasses anymore, and maybe i should try getting through the day without them? then remember how almost the very next day i got new glasses? yeah. although i have tried to give them up, i literally don't believe a word she said because i definitely do still need them.
i can barely get to the bottom of my first morning coffee without squinting at my computer screen and realising there's something wrong. mind over matter? maybe, who knows. not her, that's not who. despite the incorrect medical advice sought, i am always in the market for new wayfarer glasses - the ~only shape that suits my peanut head, and where do i always end up hunting for said glasses? glasses direct, that's where.
i took a chance on the dodger frames, because: why not. they're a lot bolder than i'm used to (remember babs? we love babs to death but she's just so narrow and all i can see is fraaaaame in my view all the time!), but i like how big a frame they are. they're barely in my view at all, which is a bonus, although i suppose because they're verrrrry large, they're always in everyone else's view. suckers. i love them though - despite the fact that the first thing that came to mind when i saw my reflection was an uncanny resemblance to garth... and that was funny for about five seconds.

(i also think they make me look like a "grown up", probably not helped by the all-black-everything outfit, ~but thankfully the hair will throw people off... or make them wonder if this thirty (one) year old is having a third-life-crisis. am i? probably.)
i love this dress though, despite it being large and in charge. i sized up because it's a shift dress and because i have rump, but turns out i really needn't have. it's pretty loose and flowy anyway, even though it's not the usual style i would go for (fit and flare foreva), so a belt really was necessary in this case, to give me some shape. and oh my, there's a lot of fabric left over up there, isn't there. i don't think it looks ~too too big, but casual and comfy, which is a bonus. plus pockets! i do love a pocket in a dress.
the dress and the wee leather bag are from the nine by savannah miller range at debenhams. big fan of the miller sisters, so was very excited to see the range launch just before fashion week. i missed the launch party sadly, but my friend charlie was able to get along and share some secret snaps with me on the night. there's some great pieces in the range, but of course, i was drawn to the stars. i've always loved a novelty print, and to see such a gorgeous style of dress, so well made and ~still in a fun print, well, i was always going to be keen, wasn't i? (the print is also rolled out to this shirt which i also think i need to wear with my pinny)
now, these boots are a life saver; my current faves are falling to bits. i've had four pairs of these truffle boots - four pairs - in the last year, because they're so comfy and casual and go with errything, but i've just had to say goodbye to the last pair. and i've been keeping my peepers on the truffle range at asos so i can nab some more when they come back in, but i've not seen them online since the start of the year. so, when i saw a near identical pair at boohoo.com, i was chuffed to say the least. i broke them in on saturday with a walk down to catford and back again, and - with the exception of my mother's bunion that she so lovingly handed down to me in her genes, they're totally comfy. a few more wears and we'll be in heaven once more.
here's hoping they a) last longer than my others, and b) are in stock all year 'round.