i woke up on sunday to a brilliant blue day and zero plans, something that was rectified with a few emergency texts to rebekah and carmen, when a plan was born; we decided to head to surrey docks farm just to say we did and hopefully play with some baby pigs. well sadly, there were no baby pigs, but there were some some bad tempered (and even one designer one, polka dots an all!) goats that we got to feed and then play with, and we hung out with some adorable wee cows that were learning how to moo at their mum from across the paddock. while pooing on themselves. as you do.
surrey docks city farm is a working farm and educational centre in the heart of london, and a short stroll from surrey quays overground station. the animals reared on the farm include a herd of goats, sheep, cattle (babies, naw!), pigs, a big ol' bunny, ducks, geese, turkeys and chickens, bees, two donkeys (hermoine and alice) and a pony named kiera. there's even a cafe on site (that smelt a lot like bacon...sadface) so on a nicer day you can sit in and watch the goats grazing while you do too.
it was such a nice idea to get out and see something new in this adopted city of mine, and especially something a little bit country in the heart of the big smoke!