on saturday i got up super early, did a bit of 'adulting' (stole the term from lix who's pretty boss at it) around the house, before heading out to meet mama and becks over at crystal palace for a spot of dinosaur hunting! i'd been on my list of things to do locally since making the move to honor oak, and with another warm day ahead of us, it seemed like the perfect opportunity!

we wandered the park, willing it not to rain, laughing at stupid kids and floppy dogs, and just generally having a nosy at what the park had to offer. the map of the gardens showed that there was a mini farm in the area too, but we never happened upon it on our walk, just dino after dino after dino...

and then a maze. the crystal maze, maybe? at this point i was bursting for a wee after the delicious (and necessary) coffee i'd inhaled hours earlier, so we decided against attempting to own it. we probably would have though, there were kids laughing (or, were they crying?) and puppies barking, so i'm pretty easily led to believe it would have been a fun thing to do. oh wells, maybe next time?
have you been to see the dinosaurs in crystal palace?
tell me your thoughts!