i am so in love with autumn. not even in a 'all bloggers love autumn' kind of way. in the way that i've never had an autumn in australia like the ones i've had in the uk. they're so colourful and crunchy, and make me appreciate a tan shoe even more. aaaah, autumn. i love you so.
saturday was a busy one. boyfriend and i were up with the sparrows to make sure we were at the shops as they opened. we had plans; interior decorating! we'd (me) been getting more and more fed up with those little drawers we salvaged from the side of the road a few months back, and with my ever-growing clothing collection, well... we (me) needed something bigger. i'd reserved a chest of drawers at argos, and so we set out early to pick that up.
on the way, we swung past wickes to pick up some paint. the chest of drawers came unfinished in solid pine, so we (me) decided we wanted to paint it plain white this time, to match the rest of our bedroom furniture. while there we grabbed a few test pots to finish painting those frames from a hundred years ago (the pastel jobby from last time is so meeeeeh), and then pottered around the pound shops picking up extra frames and canvases for our (my) feature picture wall... it was all coming together!
we lugged all that home on foot (we're about 1/4 mile from the high street)(we stole a trolley), then i spent the next hour cleaning and cooking while boyfriend put the whole 5-drawer chest together. (he wants me to ensure i tell you that he did all the work, and i did nothing) i then spent a good hour and a half pulling everything out of the old set of drawers and rearranging them into the new set of drawers (nb:: we haven't painted it yet -- i kinda like the pine. it smells nice, and... well, we needed to use the drawers! maybe another time), culling as i went.
while we were out, i'd received a text from my insta/twitter-friend daisy who runs make, thrift london, seeing if i was free this sunday for her bookbinding class in alfie's antique market in marylebone. heck yes i was! but.. it meant that all my sunday funday errands now had to be done on saturday, and threw me into a frenzy around 2pm so i quickly changed and headed out the door. shopping!
a few hours later and a couple of bags heavier (note: the primark green bags are great for the environment, but not great for my mood when they break when full of stuff, while rushing through the rain to find some shop to top up my oyster then find a bus home. not great then at all.), i retired home for a night of painting frames, arranging the wall for boyfriend to implement while i go out book-binding, and catching up on some blogging.
a busy day!