she writes like she's chatting to you over coffee. which - if you've ever read a word i've written, is how i like to write. nothing formal, all casual like. there are so many hilarious off-hand quips that are either scathing or simply brilliant, and i more often than not found myself lol'ing and dog-earring pages so that i could re-read them later on (or force them into my memory to then pull out at a later date as brilliantly-planned come backs).
the book reads more like short stories or anecdotes than what i was expecting, and jumps back and forward from chapter to chapter, to keep you guessing. she references a lot of comedy writers and performers that are maybe just slightly too early for me, which means that some of the stories are slightly lost in translation, but ultimately still really very funny and well written.
after finishing the book in australia, and finding 30 rock on the in-flight entertainment system on the way home, i have a renewed appreciation for this woman. renewed in the way that it was never gone but is now enhanced. if you ever liked mean girls or snl or 30 rock or... things that are funny, then you will like this.
i can almost guarantee that.