while i was away you might have noticed some babe'n ladies who helped me out by taking over in my place. reading through your comments on those posts, they were all very well-received - which is awesome to see! i just want to say a massive thank you to these four ladies; lynsay, who shared her love of london's hipest burb - shoreditch; amy, who made me salivate on the other side of the world with her vegetable lasagna recipe; the other amy who let us peep inside her make up bag; and most recently, the gorgeous donna who shared her tidy-tights tips! i'm a bit anal about my posting schedule, so i really, really, really appreciate these girls helping me out while i was away, by allowing me to actually have a holiday and forget about blogging for a minute. please do have a read over their posts if you haven't already, and then go and leave them some love. without their help i would have been stressing myself out trying to write instead of actually relaxing and enjoying my holiday, so i am eternally grateful. honestly, the friendships i've made with you lot blow my mind on a daily basis. thank you doesn't really cut the mustard...

and finally, a massive congratulations to sunae of little foal who is the lucky winner of my birthday giveaway with the oriental magpie! she's gone and scored herself £25 to spend her kitschy, retro homewares heart out online at ji ji kiki's sister site. well done lovely! sunae is a long-time friend of the blog, so i am so very happy that she could be the winner this time. thank you to all of you who entered - don't think i wasn't coutning those tweets that came through everyday! it was an overwhelming response, with almost 1230 entries in total, so again - how do i say thank you? you guys are the bees knees. you've all made this year's birth/holi/day one to remember.
thank you all so very much; you bunch of enablers.