while i was on holidays i received an awesome email; two tickets from seatwave to a gig in london of my choice. scanning the list and secretly hoping for jt or t-swift dates, my eyes fell upon the band i have been listening to solidly for the last couple of months; bastille. it was decided.
so, come wednesday night, i grabbed kaitlin and becks (who was already going) and we headed down to brixton. we kicked things off in style with an obligatory nandos and trip to plan b for pre-gig happy hour, then shuffled our way into the venue just as the lights were dimming and the band entered the stage to a rousing welcome.
i wish i could give you a track by track break down, but i was too caught up with the show. which, some might say, is the point. these guys were album-perfect, and dan smith's vocal was 100% on point. they played some new tracks from a new album yet to be released, as well as some of their most loved covers. if you're a fan of bastille, you'll know their 'of the night' and 'what would you do?' covers, and on top of that they pulled out a copy of tlc's 'no scrubs'. other highlights included 'flaws', 'overjoyed' 'bad blood' and my fave 'laura palmer'. ahhh, it was schamazing!
i usually bail out in the encore to get the tube, train, bus - whatever. i didn't even look at the time once while we were in there. i was so wrapped up in the music that i didn't even care what the time was. i was preparing to spend the night with the girls, on the couch. not to mention the fact that i busted the ass out of my tights - literally. if you need evidence, ask rebekah; she has it.
so thank you so much to seatwave for hooking me up with the opportunity to see one of london's hottest bands play at one of their sold out performances. i know where i'll be heading i finally get around to buying those taylor swift tickets or justin tickets that i'm so desperate for but am pretty sure sold out in a nano second. if you don't know about seatwave, then you must only know this: if you think it's sold out, it's not. seatwave is the ticket seller's marketplace, and is a totally safe and secure way to buy and resell your tickets online. so, forget the tout next time you need last minute tickets, and head to the middle man first.
have you ever used a ticket reseller site like seatwave? tell me your thoughts!