would your imaginary daughter be as well-dressed as this? will your imaginary daughter be this excited when you take her on holiday? do you think your imaginary daughter will grow up shameless like this? aaahaha, i think your imaginary daughter is me. well, some of the time...
amy shared her new kitchen this week, and has me in the throws of home envy. again. speaking on kitsch-ens, how adorable are these stacking russian doll tins? very adorable, is the answer. roar!! (but you look nice) this guy is going to play christian grey. hunnam-anum-anum. you're welcome. hey. i'm sorry i judged you for being self employed (because now i want to be you). aaand, jenna's mani makes me want mcdonald's. don't judge me.
autumn has the most gorgeous instagram feed. i'm obsessed. this pic, has got to be a recent fave of mine... tough call though, because all her snaps are perfectly posed, colour matched and adorably kitsch. with a combination like that to work with, you'd be stuck to find one that you don't love.

i have a-nother busy weekend ahead, what about you? enjoy!