today, sunday july 14th 2013, myself and seven of my closest lady friends (and one seven year old) defied the 33 degree heat, manned up, and kicked cancer in the balls. that's right, we - and at least ten thousand other amazing women, turned out in force in london's hyde park to participate in cancer research uk's race for life.
we'd been fundraising for almost two months, and a final tally of on-and-offline donations shows we've smashed our target by over £300. we aimed for £500, but as a group raised over £800 pounds for this amazing cause. right now, i couldn't feel prouder. haven't been this hot, burned or stiff in a long time either, but damn... i feel proud.
there was a lot of hanging around, waiting, waiting, always with the waiting, but at the end of the day, i got to hang out with some awesome ladies, take a 'leisurely stroll' around hyde park, and raise some money for a good cause. some of us walked, some ran, and some jogged with a silent 'j', but together, 'will walk for wine' (our team name..) finished with an average time of 47mins.
and we got medals.
and everyone wore pink.
and we met some adorable puppies! in pink tee shirts!

and it's still not too late to donate, if you'd like to. just do it here. you're amazing.