the blues, oh i've had 'em. know how i've been literally going on and on and on and on about how tired, headachey, sleepy etc i've been lately? well, i did something i never usually do, and googled my symptoms. know what they all seem to stem from? a vitamin b12 deficiency. guess who hasn't been taking her supplements for about four months now? this guuuuy! so, that was quickly rectified - after going through the motions of physio, acupuncture, chiropractic consultation, and regular massages to try and stem the problem at the source, but.. there you go. what's funnier is that i actually stopped taking the b12 in the first place because i couldn't see the benefit they were providing. fool!

dress and sunnies : monki | biker : miss selfridge | beret : ebay | bag : skinnydip
but, that was last week, and this is now. now, i am well rested from a few good nights of sleep, i am aching from an incredible, testing, strengthening, and empowering training session, i am relaxed from a wonderfully aromatic massage, i am recharged after a spring clean and some casual cooking at the weekend, and i am full of beans. or, full of b12 - whatever. so the only blues i'm feeling now are those vibrant ones courtesy of monki. i've never really liked the colour blue, but in the right circumstance, i reckon i am feeling iiiiiiiit.