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19 April 2017


eye mask | mint top | leopard bottom | pink hearts | pink stripes | blue floral | palm print | pink floral | mint set

for as long as i can remember, my mum used to buy my a new set of pyjamas every easter. even when i was a teenager, and didn't really "do" the whole easter celebration anymore, she would still make sure that come easter morning, there would be one big egg, a few small eggs, and a brand new set of pjs waiting for me at the end of my bed when i woke up.

i think it was a nice way of making easter that little bit more special for me, and as a bit of a reward after lent (which i normally failed at maintaining anyway). also because - in australia, easter is at the start of autumn, not spring, and the pjs she'd buy me would be winter weight and would see me through until the summer pj set she'd no doubt gift me at christmas. i see what she was up to, now.

but, i really miss my special easter pj treat! i was talking to my mum last weekend about this tradition of ours and how it's been so long since i bought new pj's, and she only bloody went ahead and paypal'ed me some money so i could go and buy some. what a babe! i immediately went window shopping, realised there are so many great sets out there! i usually grab a pair of primark's finest and whatever singlet top will hold my boobs in place while i sleep, but as a treat, i've decided on something a bit more fancy this easter. 

in a bold move, i've ordered the navy blue with pink florals, because it's a lovely pattern, is something my mum would approve of, and was a bargain. it can't just be us; do you have any silly easter traditions with your family?