jumper + bag c/o joanie clothing | dress : h&m | shoe c/o new look | headband : crown & glory
oh hey gurrrl, heeey! as mentioned a few weeks back, and as an incredible queen once said: if you can't love yourself, how in the heeeell are you gonna love somebody else? (can i get an amen up in heeeooorre?!) so ok, yeah. i'm single for yet another valentine's day, but so what! remember that time i tried to wear love hearts for a week in protest of the douchecanoe that i was "seeing" at the time who refused to acknowledge valentine's day? yeah, well, maybe i'll do that again. not out of protest, this time, out of celebration! because i love love! and hearts are my favourite! and who needs a reason to wear their favourite things? not this gal.

so imagine my excitement when the dolls over at vintage inspired clothing brand 'joanie' sent me the most valentine's week appropriate haul evvvah; their sweeeeet lovey heart bag is totally on-brand for the next instalment of my v-day wardrobe series, which was the perfect prompt to riffle through the racks at home to see what else i had laying around. and wouldn't you believe it, there's another three or so outfits ready for the snapping (on top of last week's!), so.. if you're keen to see how to pull off wearing love hearts as a 32 year old "adult", i suggest you check back here after the big day itself for the explicit "how-to". so the joke's on you, stupid cupid, because this single gal has celebratory plans of her own...
what have you got planned to wear this valentine's week?