i've never really been one for making new year's resolutions, as i just don't really see the point in them. i figure if you want to make changes, then make them - you shouldn't need a fresh calendar to be the reason to make them happen. though, in saying that, i can see how writing them down and reminding yourself of then can make you accountable for them, so maybe i'm on the fence here... especially as i'm just about to make some.

i've just come back from the hairdressers; the first trim i've had since probably this time last year, as hair care isn't really something i've ever really worried too much about. when i had my brown hair, i coloured it regularly and it was in pretty good condition because of that. now that it's bleached within an inch, i condition it when i colour it, and use conditioning heat spray, but that's about it. plus, i only get it cut when my mum sends me birthday or christmas money... which is what has happened here.

the hairdresser wasn't too harsh, either, which was really nice. in fact, she was super honest and totally sweet, and said that - for what it's worth, it's not the worst she's seen, and the hair is in pretty good condition. but that it needs to be looked after better. as in, every 12 weeks she wants to see me for a trim. and, i've never, ever seen a hairdresser that regularly. but i'm going to do it. and, i'm so committed to doing it, that i've made the next appointment already. that's right, i'm taking this shit seriously.

dress : top shop (similar) | boots : primark | bag : gift | hair clip : crown & glory
on top of that, i've made another decision regarding my health: i'm going to look after myself better this year. i'm going to actually go to the gym instead of going straight to bed after work. i'm going to go back to cooking fresh and healthy meals every night, instead of picking up meals for one from the frozen section. i'm going to buy more comfortable shoes, and drink more water, and take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. i'm going to seek alternative relaxing therapies. i'm going to read more. i'm going to say no more... and also say yes more. i'm going to do more for me. resolutions or not, i'm making a conscious decision to look after me a little better this year.
happy new year!