curses to the low pre-daylight savings light, and the affect it has on my already-crappy quality outfit photos! i had about twenty minutes to get these taken last weekend, between the gym and heading out for brunch, and at 10:45am on saturday, it was just really bleak. plus i have some ridiculous scaffolding outside my window at the moment (despite the fact i'm sure there's no work being done to the house) which is interrupting the already-limited amount of sunlight we're being granted at the moment, and really, causing me some ag. but, life goes on. it was actually pretty warm on saturday, really very un-autumnal, but i thought to heck with it because i was desperate to wear my new embroidered shirt, no matter the cost.

the cost though, it would seem, was getting really bloody hot in the restaurant, and having to take it off. it's just as well really that i wore it over an acceptable dress (sequinsed dress, for those playing ru paul bingo at home) so the damage to my dignity was minimal, though i did feel far less fabulous and a lot more, well, gothy, than planned. it's just as well it was halloween weekend, and i could totally get away with the black dress and leopard print look i actually ended up rocking, eh!

shirt + boots : primark | dress : new look | bag c/o lydc
the bargain shirt (a whole fiver at primark about a month ago!) will get another outing soon, of that i am sure, though i'm not really sure what to wear it with. i feel like if i wear it under a pinafore you won't be able to see the embroidery, and the whole "tied at the waist" look isn't really doing it for me anymore. i feel like i look a bit cowgirl-y looking at these pictures... again, perfect for halloween, but not what i was hoping for really.
i'd love to hear how you would style it if you were me?