black dress | plimsolls | courts | toothbrush | heels | eye shadow | lippy | backpack | dress | perfume
this is the first time in a long time that i've been in a flat "of my own" for christmas since i moved to the uk. obviously i have flatmates, but this is the first year i've felt comfortable enough, and "at home" enough to want to decorate the flat for this time of year. i mentioned last year that i'm not really a "christmas girl" and being in my old flat really accommodated that, because neither was she. this year, there's no way i can escape it; my flatmate loves christmas.
we've been talking about doing a decorations run in the last weekend of november so we can get the tree up on the first of december. i'm sure there will be arguments, but it will be a first, and really, i'm not that bothered. i like seeing her get excited about it, so i'll probably just pretend i care to watch her get impassioned about tinsel and baubles. there's only so much poking her about other non-consequential things i can do.
for me, i'd love a real tree, but the upkeep sounds impossible. i remember having one as a child, then because the dog got in it and the smell stank the house out, we never had one again. now, because i'm poor and so is she, i'm sure it'll be an argos special for us this year. it doesn't really matter, it's the spirit of it all that counts, right? and what delicious gifts lie in wait underneath it on christmas day. for me, this year my number one desire is an electric toothbrush. no, i'm not kidding! since heading to the dentist a few weeks back, i'm keen on the idea of, you know, taking the advice given and taking better care of my teeth from now on.
adulting: you're doing it right.
*post written in collaboration with house of fraser. all thoughts are my own*