the right start | they say that a sunday well spent brings a week of content, and this week, i can't disagree. other than a few sleepless nights thanks to a cough i wasn't able to shake (probably hangover related), it's been a pretty contentified (new word) week. i didn't throw myself down the world's longest slide, i didn't have to have a blood test, and i got to hang out with some cool people and smiled a lot. thank you productive sundays!
the ceremony of the keys | on monday night i headed out with mum and bex to an event i had grabbed tickets for literally six months ago: the ceremony of the keys at the tower of london. i'd seen a few blog posts about it earlier in the year and must have thought "mum would love that!" so nabbed tickets for when mum was in town. seriously though, that shit is sold out months in advance, so i was actually really lucky to find a date that suited! it costs nothing to head along to the 700 year-old ceremony which is baaasically, the locking up of the tower for the night, but with a whooooole lotta tradition thrown in for good measure. it started just before 10pm, and finished just shortly after - if locking my house took that long, i'd be pissed. our yeoman guide mark was hilarious and full of charm, and had us in stitches throughout. cannot recommend the event enough for those wanting a little bit of traditional london in their lives. it was great!
feast for the fingers | before that though i took them both for their first dinner at the real greek on bankside, and it was deeeeeelish! they do this incredible post-work offer of three dishes for £10.95, and we were absolutely stuffed on tasty greek tapas and chilled wine before we headed to the ceremony, and considering the time i got home, no wonder i fell straaaaaaight to sleep (until i woke up. a lot. thanks to that cough).
weather report | insert witty banter about the disgusting bi-polar weather we had earlier this week, and then the gorrrrrge, chilly saturday that blessed us. our very first taste of aw16, and what a day! wearing layers literally gives me laaaaaaafe, and i was in my milk-braid element this week. long live autumn!
lip service | ...and new lipsticks! especially ones that don't dry you out and last an entire brunch sesh.
i am woman, hear me roar | ...and new (to me) tunes! emma introduced feminist rock duo deap vally to me in the week, and i am hoooooooked now for life. their music is so empowering, so satisfying, so thought provoking, and not to mention fucking radddddd. i was leaving the gym on saturday when i got cattle-called out the window of a passing van. with these girls playing loud in my headphones, i casually flipped the bird to those guys and shouted, "not today, satan!". smashing the patriarchy erryday.
bangarang baes | i bloody loves me these women, and hanging out with them on friday was the best way to kick start my weekend. i got the best friends, be sure.
baby's day out | saturday was spent with mama in tow, and together we spent the day eating, drinking, getting lost inside the mall, getting stuck in traffic, more eating, more drinking, then falling asleep in our puddings. we started at the jamie oliver cookery school and ended up at the blue boat in hammersmith, and it was a long and delicious day. more on that in the week... once i detox.
lazy sunday | oh my god, my kingdom for a lay in! i stayed in bed until at least 10am after hitting the snooze button a hundred times yesterday morning, then i got up, did chores, made breakfast, went to the gym, did more chores, then watched a lottttttt of ru paul's drag race (omg are you watching all stars?! get on it!) late into the afternoon. and i wouldn't have changed a moment of any of that. i'ma count that as another productive sunday - bring on the rest of the week!
holiday horizon | aaaaand, she's off again! this week i'm off to hull with my friends at visit england to see for myself why it's been named 2017's city of culture; then when i get back, mum and i are off to iceland. for my birthday! so, if it's quite around here over the next week or two, you'll know why.
have a great week!