who doesn't love a short work week, eh? it's been a lazy week too, really, but i do feel like i earned that after a whole week away. am i rested and relaxed? hell to the no. did i still have a great week away and a happy week back on my return? yes i bloody did. mainly because...
bright sunrise | it was an early-to-bed sitch last monday, after a week away, and early night before the return to work was needed. and then, i woke up early anyway. but you know what made it ok? only the most beauuuutiful sunrise of all time! the brightest oranges and pinks and blues i'd seen in london in a long time. just gorgeous!
sleepy time | this week i wrote about some of my sleepy-time hacks and i gotta say, these new sheets of mine have really upped my bedtime game.
getting personal | a giiiiiant box of treats arrived for me while i was away, and i was giddy with happiness when i opened it and found the most incredible choice of gifts from my blogging bestie had arrived from gettingpersonal.co.uk - i can't wait to show you what else (other than this amazing mug!) was in the parcel!
bring and buy | are you sick of me talking about the bring and buy i'm helping run at work? too bad! i am absolutely blown away by all of the donations we've received, and this week at work i had some amazing contributions from my work mates that really made me giddy. it's a great feeling when you're totally supported from those around you!
do it yourself | i built a thing! a pine wood dining set to be exact. one table and four chairs. and zomg it feels so grown up having real furniture. dinners will never be the same again. massive thanks to my flatmate clem for helping me put it together on thursday arvo - it was hard bloody work, but so rewarding! giddy with adultness.
flatfriends-fest | since we moved in back in may, we haven't really hung out the way we used to, so after work on wednesday carmen and i headed to "our local" for a couple of pints and good, old fashioned catch-up. it was wonderful, and we have plans to repeat it every month so we don't get too complacement and forget that we're actually friends, not just flatmates. friendsmates forever. especially after she made me a goddamn roast on sunday, with the most perfect roasties i've ever had (sorry mum). she can stay.
cake | it was clarah's birthday; cake makes me happy!
a confidence boost | i write things on the internet and sometimes get nice comments and then i feel all warm and fuzzy; i couldn't believe my eyes when this post was shared on the everything5pounds.com facebook page on sunday, and, erm... well, got over 18k views. excessive? maybe. elation? absolutely.
a fizzy favourite | i have a new fave drink. for real; it's tasty.
cruisin' | zomg i went on a cruise ship yesterday for the day with some great humans and ate the best sushi i've ever had and had a really awesome day out and i can't wait to tell you more. maybe tomorrow. if i can be bothered going through the bazillionty photos i took. of sushi.
have a great week!