when pinkster gin sent over a bottle of their finest for our picnic last weekend, i thought it would be only right to wear a little somethin' somethin' in the bottle's honour. not really the hardest challenge, considering my hair is right now the colour of fresh candy-floss, but still, i wanted to put a little effort in to outweigh the amount of black that was likely going to turn up at the picnic (katy, i'm looking at you, because you did and i knew you would).

dress : boohoo (old) | shoes + bag : primark (both old) | sunglasses : asos | hamper : gift

i dug out my favourite maxi dress from last summer and paired it with what i was hoping would be my new summer sunnies after i dropped my pink quay ones on the tube and they got scratched (wah!), but the lenses are like, totally opaque and you can still see my eyes...! it's so weird, and kind of a bit creepy (because half the point of sunglasses is so you can stare at people without them knowing), and they literally do nothing to block out the sun! they're too dark to be indoor glasses and definitely too light to be outdoor glasses, but i love the look of them so much so i refuse to send them back.
but, they're damn impossible to wear at a picnic. the end.