bag : top shop (old) | dress : tk maxx | belt and boots : primark (both old)
how's about this summer we're having, eh? after a week away in the overwhelming italian heat, i was less-than-pleased to return back to the weird, in-between weather we're currently having, but i am glad to be out of the burning sun. and i do mean burning. i have come back pinker and crispier than i have been since i left australia, and it's uncomfortable! the "tan" is coming along nicely, thanks to the help of the "holiday glow" moisturiser i've been using on the burn, so that's something...
the benefit of this fab british summertime is that i literally don't need to buy any new clothes. except, well i did. i found this dress in tk maxx when i was shopping for maxis (for the one week of sun i'll get all year), and it was only £8. barrrrjarrrrn! it's kinda navy which is a change for me, but the peach and pink floral print were too perfectly matched to my (current) hair to let that affect anything important, like the fact i loathe navy.
plus, any opportunity to dig this suede shoulder bag out of hiding is welcome, ya know?