when your week begins with you packing up and saying goodbye to the most beautiful city you've ever visited, it's going to be a rough week, right? especially when the dreaded lurgie that camps out around my station at work decided that my return to work would be the best time to attempt to infiltrate my body again - yes, for the third time this year. i know my instagram is full of junky and high fatty food, but that's only because brocoli doesn't get the likes that chocolate eggs do, ok? i have an incredible well-balanced diet. well, maybe less balanced because: italy, but i eat plenty of greens, i take a multi-vitamin and i get enough fresh air. the fact my immune system is that of a gnat has ~nothing to do with my affection for double-stuffed oreos, ok? i won't hear you say a bad word about them. they are one of the only things making me happy this, as well as...
ciao venezia | ok, well this didn't ~make me happy per say, but i certainly ~was happy. we had farewell pizza by the canal before hopping on the airport bus where charley immediately fell asleep and i spent the hour editing photos to upload once we hit the wifi in the airport. unforch, the airport wifi was only free for half an hour, so we speed-uploaded our pics and spammed everyone before being cut off until we landed back in the uk. the influx of comments and likes once we were back home was fab though, almost worth turning data off every now and then and seeing what happens...
birthday cake | it was the bearded baker's birthday this week, and if you've ever wondered whose job it is to make the baker a cake on the baker's birthday, well i can tell you: it's the baker's. he turned up to work on thursday with a glorious honey and chamomile tea cake with cream cheese frosting and a delicious honey drizzle, with one giant slice already cut out of it. "breakfast!" he'd said. fair enough, i'd say.
cheeky team lunch | to celebrate his birthday, we went out for a team lunch to nandos. except, well, he never made it as had another meeting, but like that was going to stop the rest of us. i often miss out of team lunches (such is the travelling life!), but it was nice to spend some time with the team and catch up on all the goss. plus, peri peri chips and mash potato; double carb-ing.
london's alright | it may not be the eternal city, or surrounded by water, or in a much warmer clime, but... london's ok, innit. it does take getting away for a bit to find the love again, especially after what's essentially been the longest winter of all time, but as the days become longer and i catch a smidge of the sunset around mayfair on my walk home from walk, i am reminded that this place is pretty splendid in its own special ways...
eggventure planning | the lovely folks at lindt recently sent me some delicious treats to take on my eggventure to the midlands for easter, but something tells me that these cookies and cream treats are not ~quite going to make it there... not in one piece, anyway.
famous (amongst the mums) | so, last week clarks featured my post on their taylor palm shoe, over on their blog. and then in their newsletter. which my mum thought was just the most amazing thing ever, as she's a clarks girl from decades ago and it was like... woah. it was like ~woah, you know? probably the most proud she's ever been of me, ha. yay, clarks!
paddy's | it was st. patrick's day this week, as i'm sure everyone in the free, guinness-drinking world is aware, and so on friday night, for reasons disguised as early birthday drinks for rebekah, i went out to o'neils on carnaby street "for a few drinks" after work. well i got home after midnight, with an acoustic rendition of 'no diggity' playing on loop in my head, so by all accounts it must have been a good night. some of my fave ex-colleagues were there too, as was carmen, so it was a bit of a night reminiscing about simpler times... or maybe i was just drunk on pink wine like the good old days!
paddy's | it was st. patrick's day this week, as i'm sure everyone in the free, guinness-drinking world is aware, and so on friday night, for reasons disguised as early birthday drinks for rebekah, i went out to o'neils on carnaby street "for a few drinks" after work. well i got home after midnight, with an acoustic rendition of 'no diggity' playing on loop in my head, so by all accounts it must have been a good night. some of my fave ex-colleagues were there too, as was carmen, so it was a bit of a night reminiscing about simpler times... or maybe i was just drunk on pink wine like the good old days!
spring! | it's now ~technically here! finally! daylight savings, and longer days, and actual sun, and easter, and then more holidays, and then summer, and then more holidays, then - well, then it will be winter again. but for now, let us focus on the fact that it's friggen ~spring! buy all the peonies, the time is nigh.
chocolate afternoons | i'd spent the majority of sunday in bed, sick (as above), and so while being lazy i thought i'd give some of the new hair colours in my hold a little go. i washed and dried my hair, applied the pre-colour system i spoke about a few weeks back, then set to trying the color creme fondant colours from revlon. i mixed it up with my purple conditioner - to keep the yellow tones out, left it on an hour, and... nothing. annoyed, i dried and re-started the pre-colour system then used the reliable bleach london rosé mixed with a liiiiittle of the fondant (the bleach stuff is ~good. the colour is the only one that seems to last and hold to all the hair) mixed in for a brighter colour, because as much a i love the consistency of it, i would like a darker shade. well, no. after three showers, my hair looked like it did two washes ago. annoyed, i bought loads of chocolate to make myself feel better. (it worked)
post script | i've just realised that this here blog turned four last friday - four. that's the longest relationship i've ever had, and it's the only thing i am still consistently baffled by, annoyed of, and grateful for all the damn time. thanks very much for reading... truly. back then i didn't think anyone would read it, and... well, i do sometimes still worry they're not. but, you are. so, thanks a lot. <3