i am miserable right now; i have just walked in the house and put on a load of washing while all my photos from the last week upload. i am in major holiday-blues mode, scrolling through instagram, reminiscing about all the... food. seriously, food will never taste the same again. ever. but before things turned shit, i was having a pretty amazing week - despite the head cold raging on inside. because:
porky pals: on monday night, mid-cold, i met up with ree at porky's in shoreditch for a quick catch-up and a whooole lotta ribs. i walk past that shop so often, and i've been in (the line) at the camden branch before, but never stopped in to eat. it was suuuuper empty so we had free reign off the restaurant and the manager kept popping over to have a chat with us, which you don't really get all that much in shoreditch! now, ree is a vegatarian. which is all well and good, except porky's is a bbq restaurant, that specialises in meat products being set on fire then doused in meaty condiments. so, she had a salad while i ate half a rack of deliciously marinated and perfectly charcoaled ribs by myself. go figure.
just my look: i added a couple of new bits to my make-up collection in the week; i'd been toying with the idea of upping my brow game for a while and after hearing nothing but rave reviews about the brand w7 i caved and decided to give the the brow parlour* kit it a go. i also picked up the lightly toasted eye shadow palette* in natural nudes (oOoooOo), which is already my new fave thing ~ever. i was saddened to discover that the brow kit isn't the right colour for my incredibly dark brows, but the shadows? oh my. 12 of the most silky smooth and superbly shimmery (love a bit of alliteration) nudey shadows i've ever seen. i've been wearing the same one shade for about a year now, and now with all this varity, i am simply beside myself. i don't really know how to review make up, but here: i like it. go and buy it if you like eye shadows and make up and stuff. plus it's super cheap and from what everyone says, basically just a naked palette at an eighth of the price. now ~that's a thing.
see you soon: one of one my bangarang babes - charlie, is off exploring the southern hemisphere for the next three months, so to make sure she missed london (and me), she, charley and i headed out on tuesday for an adiós and hasta pronto amigo fiesta at wahaca in soho. it'd been, oh, a couple of weeks at least since i last had me some pork pibil, and so i was mega excited to get some tacos in my wine hole. not so excited to be saying goodbye to my pal, but definitely excited to hear all about her travels over the next few months. it's not goodbye, it's see you soon babes!
cherica in italia: omg. charley and i left bright and early on thursday (seriously, those 5am starts will kill ya), italy bound! it was my first time in the country, and we had absolutely no idea what to expect. outside of the normal "eat all the food", we had zero plans. we nabbed a really bargainous package deal for two nights in rome and two nights in venice, plus flights and transfers between cities for £200. as far as deals go, i reckon we got one! there will be many, many posts to come on our trip over the next few weeks (no doubt!), but for now: enjoy the 'grams.
the four pees: that'll be pizza, pasta, prosecco and pgelato (the "p" is silent in that one). while in italy we made it our mission to eat the four pees every day, because (forgive me): "when in rome..." i have returned about four dress sizes larger and i suddenly look something akin to a carb, but i have never been so gastronomically pleased with myself.
colourful cottages: more on this later, but...travel tip numbero uno: when in venice, always go to burano. my recommendation would be to go to burano and never leave. well, you won't want to leave, as i never wanted to leave, but go to burano and never leave. go to burano ~after you go to murano, because otherwise the rest of your trip will be a disappointed. i don't want you to be disappointed. i was ~not disappointed.
i actually can't rave enough about our four-night trip to the italian islands, and i can't wait to get around to writing all about it. for now though, this is the most amount of words i have in me for i am knackered, and tomorrow i am back to work. so, tell me what's been making you happy? (and check out jasmin's link up!)