you guys! wide fit boots are a thing that have changed my world. like, i've always bought my boots a size up so i can wear thick socks and be super warm, but also a bit because then they'd also be wider across the foot. but in my hunt for comfortable shoes, i have fallen in love with these suedette wide-fit booties from new look, that have suddenly made me question all my previous boot choices. there's a bunch of wide fit choices in there at the moment, and i'm already eye-balling up a nice tan pair for "spring".
i never knew that this dress was supposed to be bardot neckline, but it totally explains why the hell it doesn't cover my bra straps. such fun! i love the print of the dress though; hard to see in these way too-blown-out and white-imbalanced pictures, but the roses are a super sweet pale pink on black, and the fabric is almost crépe-like. it's nice and light weigh, but not too light that the fabric clings to your tights - know the horror to which i refer? that struggle is real, folks, and when you only have one slip for all your clingy dresses because the brand that makes the slips you love stop making the slips you love, you hang on to the one manky slip you have (any tips on good slips - i'm listening). and celebrate it whenever you get the chance. clearly.
point of the story: don't need the slip for the dress, and don't need to go up a size in wide-fit boots. almost seems like new look have sooort of saved the day around these parts...