everything is a bit shit at the moment, and i'm just feeling a bit... blue. maybe it's just that time of year; a few of my friends have admitted to feeling less-than-sunny of late too, so i figure there must be something in the water. because i've not really been up for much this past week, those smiles and laughs have been few and far between. because of ~that though, they're far easier to remember. such as:
canterbury tales | scrolling through my phone on the dreary monday morning commute was something akin to heartbreak; reminiscing about the great weekend i had in canterbury over the weekend was the only thing keeping me from crying into deliciously roasted kentish coffee.
it's (not) unknown (anymore) | on wednesday night katie, milly and headed over to the queen of hoxton to help the musical bingo crew celebrate the launch of the company's brand new company ~and website! you can now go and check out it's unknown for all your experiential eventing needs! we bingo'd and gospeloke'd the night away (with a steady flow of stolly vodka that would certainly haunt me the next day), and had yet ~another hilarious time with london's funnest alternative-club kids.
spring cleanin' | my landlady is looking to sell the house this year (boo!) and had the photographers around to take some snaps of the pad looking fresssh. this meant having to have a reeeal big tidy up, which saw me throw a shit ton of crap away, and make a whooole lotta room for more junk. and fresh flowers. yay!
ladies who lunch | the babe'n char was down in london on friday for some fun blogger hangs, and while she was in town i was lucky enough to score a lunch with her. we headed to giovanna rana by my office and i indulged in some fricken delicious ravioli carbonara. when there's pasta at lunch, you know it's going to be a goooood day.
secret santa stash | as some of you know, i finally caved this year and started to watch harry potter. i'm six eighths of the way through the films now, much to the squads' happiness, and this week another chapter of the #ericawatchespotter saga was revealed: my (slightly belated) secret santa gift included the first three of the books! there's no damn way i'm reading them in public, mind you, but i guess this is as close as i get to joining the fandom. plus: another plush unicorn. i've called her steve.
bird is the word | rebekah's back from the land of the long white cloud! it's not really felt the same without her around, despite the fact we still spoke all the time while she was away, and i literally spent two weeks with her s o l i d at the start of the year, but we had loads to catch up on so it was really nice to be able to sit down and chat over some giant burgers at bird on friday night. she had the original waffle burger and i had the cheese and bacon - eventually. we sat chatting for about half an hour before we even bothered to look at the menus, much to the annoyance of the staff i'm sure. we almost definitely overstayed our welcome too, but.. what can i say? we like to chat, ok.
aunty agony | uhm i'm not sure if you've heard, but there's a new online magazine that's just launched that features yours truly in the mix as a - wait for it - agony aunt! bloggeration is the online mag for bloggers, and i have my very own feature in there answering questions from my peers in this awesome community about working with brands. i guess that because i am community manager by day and hobby blogger by night this kinda qualifies me. let's hope so, eh! go have a read, there's lots of great pieces live already, and more to follow daily.
a weekend well spent | this past weekend was ~so well spent. it was equal parts relaxing and exhausting, but totally worth it. on saturday i walked for miles to investigate the neighbourhood a little more, and found a cute little café selling mugs of coffee for a quid and so i stopped in and sat for a while, and loved how busy and thriving the restaurant was for an early morning. the staff knew all the customers by name and they were friendly and chatty, and it was so lovely to watch. then i headed down to my local spa for the mosssssst amazing deep tissue massage of my life. omg, if you go to le crissadore, ask for ani. she's a wonder. saturday night was spent hanging out at bex's, watching take me out and ~eating take (me) out, before a wonderful lay in on sunday, an hour-long chat with mum, then a me-date with london and a real date with my bae before she had to tread the boards once more. she so busy! sometimes i want to do it all and sometimes i want to do nothing, but i think this weekend hit the perfect balance. bring on monday, i am ~ready.