recently the giving folks over at river island got in touch asking if i'd like to be part of their secret santa project. i was asked to nominate one blogger friend that i'd most like to spend a cosy night in with this holiday season, and then a fun party pack would be sent to that blogger. now, i'm not going to name names here because that defeats the purpose of the whole ~secret santa~ thing, but i will say this: i love my blogger friends, and there's no way i could normally pick one above the rest. in saying that though, one in particular has had a rough year of it, and if there's one thing i thought she deserved, it was a cosy night in. with or without me (hopefully with).
now, i've no idea what fab treats river island will be sending her, but i can only hope it's any of the above pieces from the handy christmas gifts range on their site. after trawling the range myself recently trying to secure those ~very last minute gifts, i have come to the conclusion once more that it's never, ever, ever a bad choice to buy someone winter warmers. like, ever. once upon a time i would have though that that was an easy way out; mittens! as an adult! why do i want mittens! omg i'll tell you why i want mittens, yeah: because they're both practical ~and warm, and that's what my life is suddenly all about. ok so maybe the same can't be said for others, but i really do believe you can't go wrong with a pair of novelty socks and - if you're a close friend of mine, and are spending christmas anywhere near me, then be prepared: the chances of you getting novelty socks is at an all-time high this year.
for real though, secret santa is such a fab idea, and it almost takes the pressure of buying presents for everyone you know, right? in my group of lady friends, there's no way i could be able to afford great gifts for every single one of them so this year we have decided secret santa is the way to go. we did it all online too, so no-one would have any way of knowing who had picked who. with a small budget imposed, it means that everyone will get a gift from someone, and those gifts will be more thoughtful than random, cheap tat that you're forced to buy if you have a lot of people to buy for.
so, it's definitely too late to sort it for this year, but it's certainly something to keep in mind for next.
*thank you to river island for the chance to treat a friend #ipartywith this christmas.*