just a couple of snaps from last week's coffee with currys event with nespresso, held at the fable in holborn. i've not been to the fable before, but after the we spent the afternoon exploring the shelves of bric-a-brac and ooh-ing and aah-ing over the quirky decor, i definitely think i'll be going back! a couple of the other girls were quick to right it off as just another bar chain, but it was way more interesting than any b@1 or wetherspoons i've ever been to, so it gets a big, fat "yes" from me.

inside the event we were split into manageable groups so we could partake in mini workshops with the coffee connoisseurs from nespresso and the fable. i don't know much about the brand, so it was nice to talk with the rep there who was not short of complimentary things to say about the brand's main ambassador, mr. george clooney, or about their long-term plans for the good of the world; it was actually really interesting to hear about a company who's so passionate about the conservation of the planet, and who seem to genuinely have a plan in place for that (their project is called "the positive cup"; they come and pick up your empty coffee pods so you don't have to bin them or recycle them yourself. wherever you are in the world, they will come and collect them. and, every single coffee machine is made from recycled coffee pods too. i think that's pretty cool).

a couple of the other stations included latte art (which i suck at, despite training as a barista when i was just out of school), where we were taught to steam the perfect milk for making a cracking latte, and a coffee tasting station where we were encouraged to get up close and personal with different tastes and flavours to keep our taste buds guessing, and work out a bit more about our palettes. there were chocolate buttons to congratulate us on a job done good. i liked the chocolate buttons the best.

and the last station was coffee cocktail making. when i read this, i had visions of espresso martinis and baileys cocktails and coffee liqueur, but in reality, i encountered my worst nightmare: whisky, and dark rum. there's a reason i live by the motto "if it's brown, it don't go down", and i was suitably disappointed to discover there was not a bottle of baileys in sight. needless to say, i did not indulge in making cocktails i would not drink (i'm not wasteful), instead i sat and sipped tiny cups of delicious coffee and considered who might want to buy me a coffee machine this christmas, while i watched the other girls go nuts with their drinks.
if you're interested though, here's a couple recipes to try this christmas:
kraken coffee
50ml krakun rum
1 dharkan espresso pod
20ml gomme syrup
2tspn peanut butter
chocolate poweder
served in a martini glass
vanilla sky
50ml black label johnnie walker
50ml vanille gomme
1 dulsao do brasil espresso pod
100ml pouring cream
served in a cognac glass