it's no secret i love me some musical bingo. in the last few years i have been at least every couple of months, and every single time i have a better time than the time before. their nights are never dull, and i always end up with a banging hangover after a fun-fuelled night. so, i barely need any encouragement to head along. especially when it's a themed night.
so, when ashleigh announced she'd be booking a table for her birthday - an annual halloween-birthday tradition, it did not take much persuasion to get the rest of our crew to band together and come up with a suitable group costume that would ensure charlie's continued reign as a "person who continues to win a trophy at halloween musical bingo"
and knowing what you know about me and my blogging besties, what do you think we decided would be the most fetch team costume of them all? well, i suppose you've guessed from the title now, haven't you. with all the main character's present and accounted for, we decided to go as the dead mean girls. and it was ~awesome.

with charles as snaggletooth in her marymount uniform (and 99 cent lip gloss on her tooth), claire as ms. norbury (she bartends a couple nights a week at p.j. calamities), ben as a very dead and beheaded damian (he is beautiful, in every single way), katy as karen smith (she's a mouse, duh), a.j herself as the queen of toaster strudels (she's not allowed to wear hoop earrings you know), charghley as janis ian (her wig is made out of your mom's chest hair), emma as an "ex wife" (why are you dressed so scary?), and yours truly as queen bitch herself, regina george (some of us are just victims in this situation), we represented north shore with sass!
oh, and we bloody well won the award for best team effort! oh yeah, that's right, these dead mean girls ruled the school that day and walked away with the group trophy. #pride! plus, a couple of the dames even got their very own nominations too; ben won best something, claire was nominated for best make up, emma and pedro were nominated for something else, and oh yeah - i was clearly too drunk to pay attention, but it was grool!

we had an ~awesome time. we drank ~awesome shooters. and listened to ~awesome music. and then just sat around and soaked up each others ~awesomeness. and here is an adorable photo and miss katy and i. because friends who steal pizza together, something something. thank you to charghley and katy for the photos where mine were crapsticks. i love you awesome nerds (wrong film, i'm not sorry).