dress c/o boohoo | ted baker bag c/o repertoire fashion | boots*: asos
i am slightly drunk as i type this, so please forgive any and all incorrectly spelled words or poorly punctuated sentences. i have just come back from an afternoon with annalies and rebekah, drinking bottomless bellinis at bourne and hollingsworth buildings in "angel" (was it? no. it was a twenty minute walk from angel. it was essentially in the middle of nowhere).
i suppose i'm probably the last member of the blogging community's london contingent to go to this restaurant, but after seeing it pop up in many a blogger's brunch review, and since seeing it featured in both the time out and the es mag, it had certainly been firmly on my "must eat" list for some time.
when ani suggested a cocktail brunch this past long weekend, it was all i could do from yelling "what about b&h buildings!" at her through my phone, as it seemed as good a time as any to get into the widely talked about venue. with a quick call to the restaurant to ensure their bottomless brunch extended to a long weekend monday, we were booked in, and i for one was looking forward to getting a bit day-time-tipsy with my girls after a rainy weekend indoors.

sadly the rain did not stay away despite our foodie plans, which was a bit of a downer. i stacked on my chunky boots (to keep me dry above the flooding streets), grabbed my favourite waterproof carry all bag, and chose a dress that would keep me warm ~and compliment lady doe nut's colouring while i tried to avoid the rain, and keep warm in the restaurant.
i needn't have worried though, because the venue was stifling hot. plus, when there is all-you-can-drink cocktails on the menu, i suppose you don't stay cold for long. we each chose the white peach bellinis for our refreshments, so from the time of our reservation and for the following hour and a half, the waiters didn't allow our drinks to become empty. seriously. they completely bottled our food order - more than once - but they certainly managed to keep us well hydrated.
want to know how many bellinis you can drink in an hour and a half? enough to get you completely pissed, that's how many. ani wasn't sure that a £16 bottomless brunch would be good value, but considering the cocktails were £7.50 each, i think the *unnamed amount* of cocktails in an hour and a half was extremely good value. especially considering the actual food was less than a tenner each.
so we essentially got drunk, in london, in a posh restaurant, for twenty five pounds.
i just pray that this impending hangover is worth it (it will be).