unless you've been living under a rock for the past month or so, you will have been keeping up to speed with the bloggers blog awards. somehow, i was shortlisted for one of the awards - in the category of 'best social media account', which was not only a hilarious result, but also a really fricken awesome result if you're me. which you're not, but imagine you were, and that you were nominated for such a thing; at the time, i had probably just shy of 2,000 twitter followers, and less on instagram. and really all i post on instagram is selfies, and photos of food. i mean, i am only human. then again, over on twitter, all i seem to post are commuter rants and xfactor thoughts. again, hardly the stuff of a particularly interesting account.
so, to have been nominated is one thing. maybe one person (my mum) nominating me for a bit of a joke (thanks mum), well that's definitely one thing. being shortlisted with a handful of others, based on your peers voting, and four technical judges agreeing that yours is amongst the best social media accounts in the list, well.. that's something else. and it can't even be that all of the other accounts were a bit shit too, because they're not. they're some of my favourite social media accounts (jemma and terri to name a couple!), and i was truly shocked to be up there amongst them. me with my small-time account, and them with their big hitters. honoured, really.
so now there's going to be an awards ceremony. next weekend in fact. and not only am i going along as a shortlisted nominee, i'm only going along as ~a fricken host, thanks to my big mouth colleague #littleshaun who thought it would be awesome for our wee outreach agency to go along as do just that. so yeah, what the hell am i going to wear? well, considering i've left it to the last minute - as per, i have decided on three options. three last minute options that i hope fit me when they arrive. and hopefully arrive they will, before i head off on holiday. this friday.
the lilac tulle skirt actually already ~has arrived, thank god, and looks amazing on. i don't yet own a black lace top to wear with it, but do have a white one i can sub in last-minute if i can't find the ~right one for the outfit. i definitely think the first outfit is more ~me than the others, but i do wonder if it's a bit too "garden party" and not enough "award winner" for the event. the gorgeous cut out dress by london brand chi chi that i found in house of fraser's dress department definitely has "award winner" written all over it, but i do worry it might be a little much for the late-afternoon ceremony. dem shoes doe! i mean, we all know i'm wearing them either way, right. and how amazing are those mj pins from crown and glory! need them in my life, they're perfect!
the final outfit is one that i think ticks a lot of the boxes i'm worried about; comfort, appropriate, style. true to form, it's a sugarhill boutique dress, so i ~know it'll fit when it arrives. it's a bit of a retro take on my fave tea dress shape, and the print and colouring give it something a little special, while still being totally day-time appropriate. plus, boots. boots manage to give even the glammest of looks a bit of a casual feel, and that makes me feel a bit better about the "what's appropriate for day-to-night" problem.
so, with about a week to make the final decision, which do you think i should go with?
answers on a postcard, please.