this week's been a week. highs and lows, ups and downs, and i'm exhausted. i am counting down the days now until my turkish holiday (ten), because i'm starting to feel like i really, truly need it. or else i'll go mad. work has been hectic, and people (everyone)(no, not you) have been rubbing me up the wrong way to a point i just want to be at home in bed instead of anywhere else. i think i'm a bit run down too - emotionally drained, and it's affecting my happiness. big time. but, as contouring teaches us: where there is dark, there is also light.
flowers that didn't die: the flowers appleyard london sent over the week before last were still kicking on strong this week just gone. i keep catching a whiff of the drying petals as the air conditioner (unnecessary at the moment, for real) blows overhead, and am snapped out of my work angst just like that.
sweet deliveries: in the week i received a tiny box of milk chocolate treats from my new best friends over at betty's tea rooms. it was something small to whet my appetite, but had me excited as anything to get to the tea party they had planned for us over the weekend. i tried to share them, but... they were too tasty, so i mostly ate them all myself.
the queen: i was so happy to hear of queen elizabeth's historic record in the week. a bit naff i suppose, and i'm certainly no royalist, but fair play to her. she's the first monarch to ever visit each of the commonwealth countries, to ever step foot on irish soil, to go to china... she's the first female monarch to take a double-barrelled surname, first monarch to - well, lots of stuff. there were so many incredible tributes that i read during the week, and the one thing i took away from all the words is that liz is one fierce babe.
lucky number 226: i attended the #bloggerfunfair with katy and emsy in the week, and despite not getting fed and having to pour our own wine (oh, boo hoo), we stuck around to the end of the night. just as well really, because i was lucky enough to nab a pretty new bag in the end of night raffle. more on that in the week, but i was pretty happy about my win, to say the least. but still hungry.
cheers to the beers: on wednesday the girl gang and i headed into central london to the opening of the newest tortilla restaurant in the chain. in market place just behind oxford street, it's super handy to work, so i was more than happy to pop down. especially when we were asked to drink as many coronas as we could, in order for them to be able to make more chandeliers for their planned store openings later in the year. anything we can do to help, obviously. my bangarang babes did me proud, and i got home grinning like a loon.
happy mail day: last month i helped launch a new indie zine, by writing some words for the first issue. it went on sale last week and i couldn't have been prouder to see my colleagues reading my words. you can grab yours here if you fancy having a read too.
out with the lads: after work on friday i headed to alexandra palace with a bunch of different folks to see brand new; it was all going well - drinking gin-in-a-tin on the grass in the fading sun, until i went off for a strategic wee and lost them all, three groups of friends lost in one fell swoop. i watched the show alone and left before the encore to secure a seat on the train, and was home by midnight. gigs done.. right?
betty's tea party: more on this in the week, but i had such a lovely time meeting so many wonderful bloggers in real life, and away from the computer screen, that i hardly picked my phone up all day. as i was on the train home later than night i finally checked my notifications and my ~gawd, so many sweet messages. i love events like that.
lay ins with macarons: ugh, i've been so tired lately, and i neeeeeded sleep. i got in about 10:30 saturday night, watched xfactor then literally fell asleep where i lay, not moving until after 10am. it was wonderful. and then there were macarons to eat. not a bad start to a sunday, eh?
planning ahead: while out and about on sunday, i spied some of our fave biccies on sale, and so i bought about a zillion packets for the team. biscuit wednesdays are becoming a time honoured tradition at tt towers, and i like to do my bit for the continued harmony of the team when i can. bring on wednesday!
how had your week been; as up-and-down as mine? tell me more!