dress : well old | sandals (new) + bag (also well old) : primark | belt : found on my floor
it was so damn hot on saturday, so i was pleased as punch to be able to wear this maxi dress again; some of the others i have are so heavy and completely defeat the purpose of being in a flippen maxi dress, but this one is so light and slinky that - except when i was exposed to direct sunlight, i was able to keep cool a lot easier. it's an oldie but a goodie, one that i picked up on sale from the shop i worked in before moving to the uk, with staff discount and pre-christmas sales, it couldn't have been more than $20. happy days!
orange has never particularly been a colour for me, but with the marbled effect and hint of mint, not to mention the strange cut and shape of the dress, it definitely had me curious about it from the start. it came with a little fabric belt in the same material as the dress, but i lost that years ago. i found a thin tan belt in my wardrobe that matched perfectly to my fave tan sandals (best four quid i ever spent - so much of a bargain, i bought in other colours!), and was pretty chuffed with how it all came together.
it's the second time i've worn this dress in five years, and i am thanking my stars that i had the sense to bring it with me when i left the desert. it's going to be a staple this summer!