duster coat c/o george at asda | top + skirt : primark | boots*: asos
(have you ever seen a more displeased erica?)
here's a fun fact: i'm not trendy. shocking! i know! but for real, sometimes a trend comes along that i look at and think, "oh yeah, that's a style i can definitely pull off!" and then i get all excitable and buy the thing and amazingly, sometimes it even works and i don't look like a total bell end. most recently that trend applied to smock dresses. i now own a plethora; the ones i have are flattering and slimming and hardly make me look frumpy at all - at least that's what i tell myself. sometimes it's just super hard to find fit-and-flare frocks, and a girl's gotta buy new clothes, you know?
based on my success in the dress department, and with the mainstream influx of duster coats on the market, i decided i wanted one. not just any old one, no. a coloured one. one that would be lightweight and casual and perfect for spring. maybe not a neon one, because i'm not a neon girl. but maybe something ~not pink. i know, controversial. seeing how great they looked on everyone else - on all shapes and sizes, i was ~sure this would be another trend for me to nail. so when i was able to get my hands on this perfectly pastel duster from the george press day recently, i thought i was lady luck!...and then, i got it home and tried it on and...
ended up looking like that person up there; defeated and foolish.
lesson of the day: duster coats are ~not for me. long-line anything is not for me, in fact. even if it's pastel and crepe and has rolled sleeves and seems like the perfect item of clothing. even then, it's not for me. and mostly because... almost ~everything i own is floral or patterned or a fit-and-flare dress, and almost always worn with tights. wearing a duster coat with a floaty dress just did ~not work. at all. trust me, i tried it with one hundred dresses. also, another lesson i learned is that static is a bitch and impossible to remove from crepe. so yeah, tights don't work with a duster coat either, which leaves me officially un-trendy once more.
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