since the start of the year, i've been having really bad headaches. the doctor initially thought it could have something to do with a trapped nerve in my neck/shoulder from when i moved into my flat last year, and likely a bit of stress from work and - well, life, as well so when i finally got my physio appointment last month, i was highly anticipating a miracle cure.
sadly, no such *cure* was available, although i did leave with an action plan that included having my eyes re-tested, as it had been almost three years since my initial test, and it was possible that my vision could have a small part to play. i popped along to my appointment, glasses on (although they were prescribed for computer use originally, over time i have started to wear them for full days here and there, as i feel like i have a clearer and more precise view when i wear them), and sat through the test only to be told afterwards that... i no longer need to wear glasses, and that the examination had shown that all my "better/worse" tests were proving my vision was better with a lower prescription.

i am already on the lowest prescription an optometrist would give someone, and so naturally, there was no way she was going to re-prescribe me something she didn't think i needed. but... even now. when i put my glasses on, i maintain i have a clearer vision. she said that whenever she flicked back to my prescribed lens i would call "worse", which.. weirdly, is not how i feel out in the real world.
so, i don't know how accurate an eye test that's held in a pitch black room with one back-lit mirror can be, because... i still need to wear my glasses when i'm at work. and when i'm reading. and certainly when i was driving this weekend in cornwall, because i simply feel like i can see better. psychosomatic? maybe so, but isn't it better that i feel like i can see, that whether or not it's the *truth*? i think so, anyway.

glasses c/o glasses direct | coat : vintage | boots* + satchel*: asos
so, when i was offered the opportunity to replace the retro specs that i foolishly stood on at the ballet last year, well i wasn't going to let this small point stand in the way. i adore glasses direct's 'london retro' range of designer glasses, and the home trial service they provide; every time i have a look over their site, i fall in love again with a bunch of new styles. these presley's were one of the newer styles of last year - if you remember my first pair*, then you'll understand why i was keen to replace them when given the chance!
i've always wanted to be that girl that could rock the cats eye glasses look, but... i'm just not. the thing i love about the presley's is that they've a really subtle retro shape about them, so they're not totally out there and i feel comfortable in them. these are only second pair of black glasses - i have one for work that are white on the inside and are reeeallly big frames, and now these delicate, retro frames. even though i'm not *supposed* to wear them every day, these are definitely now my go-to pair for those days when i just really want to.
plus... gives me an excuse to pull out the houndstooth swing coat, right?