we woke up on saturday to glorious sunshine - it was a holiday miracle! we'd done a lot of sight seeing on our first day, but we had found a couple of foodie spots we wanted to try (thanks to the info in the compendium!), and so we headed out mid-morning for food in less layers than the day before, and sunglassed to the max. sunshiiiiine!
(side note: palm trees were made for blue skies, fact.)

we wandered down by the water (and palms) back through to the new part of town, headed for a brunch spot that we'd heard was both cheap and not tapas, and so off we went... not thinking to check what time it would open, which... we soon discovered wouldn't be for more than an hour after we'd arrived. not defeated, we fell into the first restaurant we could find that was open, and dined on... burgers and fries. because, when in rome,,,
(side note: palm trees. for real. blue skies. beautiful.)

after lunch we headed to the marina before lazily making our way back through the tourist spots from the day before, to re-take all of the photos from the day before. everything looks better with a blue background, fact. then there was ice cream. then there was reading a book in a lazy chair in the balcony of our flat, and mayyyybe a small siesta. local customs are local customs, ok! woke up just in time to catch the most wonderful sunset. the perfect end to the perfectly sunny day.

on our final day we wandered aiiiiimlessly for ages, because if things don't open before midday on a weekday, they certainly don't open at all on a sunday. we ended up in a massive tourist trap for... well, lunch, by the time we got there, and indulge in - you guessed it, tapas! croquettes and spanish omelette and patatas bravas, oh my.
we found a shop with a churros sign - something we hadn't yet been able to find, ordered some, and then got laughed out of the shop. apparently no churros? even with a sign? no. no churros for you. disappointed, but not defeated, we made do with more ice cream, the third of the trip, before heading back to the flat to pack and head off to the airport.
even though we only had one and a half days in the sun, it was easily the most relaxing holiday i'd had since the lake district at christmas. the amount of reading, relaxing and catching up on sleep i did was just what i needed to recuperate, revitalise and regroup. more of that this year please. i'm done with busy holidays, i want more of these casual and quiet ones.
next stop: cornwall over easter for more of the same.