after another full day of sightseeing, there was but one last thing we absolutely had to do before hitting the road, and that was to see what all the fuss was about at one particular restaurant in the area of glasgow we had affectionately named "burger corner". why? literally, on one intersection was a five guys, a gbk, another burger chain i cannot remember, and this one place that had a forever-long line flowing out the door, no matter what time of day we passed; bread meats bread. honestly, what an awesome name for a burger and sandwich restautant!
home of at least one of buzzfeed's 'ten life-changing burgers to eat in glasgow' (the cali-cult, which rebakah actually had and could have died happy from), there was never not a line to get in, so we sucked it up, and spent a good half an hour of our last hour and a bit left in the city, in the line for a table. while the staff hustled around us, not once complaining about the customers in the way of the service area, or how annoyed they must be at the swarm of people filling up their restaurant that were standing in comparison to those who that were seated, we stood and mused about... how that would never, ever, everrrr happen in london.

not only did the staff maintain and deliver an exceptional level of service to not just those actually dining, but they also tended to those of us waiting to be seated. we got chatting with one of the servers, explained our predicament (that we had a train to get in about an hour) - he laughed, and assured us we'd be in and out in no time once we were seated, and then even went so far as to take our order from us a few minutes before we were seated so that the order would be out quicker. i mean, our accents only get us so far, and then it's truly the kindness of humanity that really gets things done. we never got his name, but we tipped him well; he was one fantastic employee.
i was having a tough time deciding what to have because, man alive, there are so many delicious sounding options available! eventually i decided on the redhead and bex went with the cult classic of the day, and we shared a sweet potato fries. with a soft drink each and a beer (she's an alcoholic), the whole bill still only came in at like, £25... there really is a novelty in not paying london prices when you go away... it's almost like we go away and save so much money that we come back with more than what we started with.
the redhead was advertised as a 'sandwich', but it was far more than that. what i'd anticipated was just that - a sandwich. what i was served was some delicious open-plan, deconstructed meal, with a bread element, a marinated chicken pieces element, and some cracking condiment and rocket mixture binding it all together. it was a thing of beauty, and i didn't know where to start, or how i was supposed to tackle the dish. that was not a sandwich. that dish puts all other sandwiches to shame.
omg, thinking about it now is making me mad that i live so far away...
...but the fair-haired waiter was not wrong. we wolfed down our delicious meals, and were barely sat half an hour before we were done, and - conscious of the other waiting, ushered ourselves back out into the blustery day. and now, our time there is nothing but a delicious, mouth watering memory.
have you been? what did you have? tell me there's one coming to london?