i had set my alarm nice and early on saturday, as i had planned to be up and out early on to go and visit my new friend-daughter lexie jean in zone nine (zone nine you guys), and i had - for some reason, decided to leave my blinds open on friday night. i have a new eye mask you see, and in the spirit of testing purposes, i have been seeing at what level of brightness it stops working. stupid, huh. but, it's white, and that's kind of silly right? all previous eye masks have been dark - to block out the light. it being light coloured itself sort of.. diminishes the chances of the light being blocked out, right? i've thought about this too much, haven't i?
in any case, the mask had made its way to reside on my forehead in the night, and i'd awoken to a fairly bright room. i sleepily pulled the duvet over my eyes as my alarm shrilled next to my head, but then my ears caught wind of something else - a noise on the window that wasn't quite as spotchy as rain, but certainly loud enough to send my spirits soaring. snow.
i had heard the whispers that it was coming, and had been disappointed many a time during the week when the rumours had been proven to be nothing more than gossip from our norther neighbours. well, i was disappointed no longer. what i was seeing with my own eyes was certainly snow. light, white, icy snow. it was so early, so none of my friends were even awake to indulge in the excitement with me, so i captured it on video and uploaded it directly to instagram because - what else was there to do?!
once my initial excitement passed, one dilemma was evident: what do i bloody wear? i was heading into the country, and would have to walk to stations at both ends. i grabbed this dress in the asos sale in the week, and knowing it was going to be an immediate favourite, i wanted to wear it asap. i paired it with my over-sized fluffy cardi and both tights and leggings, then all that was needed was a hat, scarf and gloves, and my trusty hooded wool-blend coat, and away i went - i want to say toasty warm, but we all know that's a lie. when am i ever warm?
how do you layer up for snow days?