this year is going to be all about travel. well, that's the plan anyway. whether it be travel abroad or travel around the uk, i want to see and do a lot more of the world this year. we're now midway into february, and i have three trips booked, and another two in the planning stages, with another... ten or so floating on my "when i win the lottery" bucket list. for the next few months though, i have a couple of fun trips to look forward to, including a couple of "staycations" around the uk.
staycation number one will be at the start of march, when i'll be heading to glasgow for the weekend to finaaaaally see what all the fuss is about, and catch up with my sparkle sister lynsay. i've been to edinburgh a couple of times now, and even out into the highlands and loch ness, but have never made it over to glasgow. almost made it at christmas, but only got as far as the lake district before deciding that four hours in one train was long enough. things i'm excited about seeing in glasgow (other than lynsay and gary's new house) are: the city centre mural trail, going on the tennant's tour, and getting out in the west end for dinner and drinks.
staycation number two will be over easter, and in the sleepy seaside town of st. austell, on cornwall's east coast. bex and i have been talking about a cornwall trip for over a year, and so with the lure of a four day weekend too much to resist, we went ahead and booked that in too. we booked the thursday before easter off as 'travelling day', as it a good handful of hours on a train, and we wanted as many days as possible to spend eating all the pasties and drinking all the cream tea and bathing in all the cornish ice cream. not even lying about that. things i am most looking forward to are: rowing a boat in the cornish riviera, picnicing in the lost gardens of heligan, and checking out the tall ships in the charlestown shipwreck and heritage centre. my friend mark, who we're going with, adores ships, and can't wait for this part of the weekend.

now as far as 'real' vacations go, i've one booked in so far for sure; in a couple of weeks, bex, nat and i will be beach-bound, on our way to palma de majorca! wipe that look of surprise of your faces, i've been throwing the idea around for a while now, and i think - especially in the case of late march when we're going, that it'll be mild enough for me to not be too grossed out and sweatified by the heat. i can't bloody wait! the place we're staying in is a short stroll from le seu cathedral, and we're super looking forward to checking out queso for their excellent range of spanish cheeses, and hitting up the gorgeous beaches in the area. three. more. weeks!
the last of the vacations will hopefully be an eastern mediterranean cruise after the summer. again, we'd been tossing around the idea of a cruise since the start of the year, and truth be told, it's only the price that's keeping me from booking something now. when we started our search, the last minute cruises seemed to be a lot lower than those booked months in advance, naturally, which is the reassurance i needed to not book something in haste. as i'm looking to hit 30 countries by the end of the year, i need to add seven or so to my list, making a cruise an excellent way of doing that, don't you think! i'd love to see turkey, croatia, greece and italy at least before the year's out, and i reckon this is how it'll be achieved!
so, I've a few fun weekenders on the horizon to look forward to already this year;
are you team vacation or team staycation? i'd love to hear your thoughts!
*this post was written in collaboration with thomson; all thoughts are my own*
*this post was written in collaboration with thomson; all thoughts are my own*