last wednesday night the 'secret adventure society' assembled once more to help miss charlotte launch her newest walk in the program, the sherlock holmes tour. joined again by emsy and also the girls from the high tea cast, charlie, emma as well as some new faces, we gathered with plastic pipes, magnifying glasses and tweed deerstalker hats at the ready, shivering, but raring to play detective around london's mean, victorian streets.
as keen as i was to discover sherlock and watson's favourite restaurants, to try and sneak into the diogenes club, meet the real-life inspiration for irene adler, and visit the great scotland yard, i do wish that i had worn warmer clothes though, but... they do say that hindsight is 20/20...

now, not the hugest of sherlock fans, i was pretty unprepared by way of.. well, knowledge of the importance of a lot of the spots, but that's never a problem on one of charlotte's tours. always armed with a host of what she calls her 'useless facts', she always manages to sneak a lot of beginners info into her walks, so those with little-to-no prior knowledge of the topic at hand are never left guessing for too long.
many thanks to charlotte from best london walks for the chance to help test out her newest tour. as always, i apologise for being the mouthy class clown... although.. i suppose by now it's expected, and is why i keep getting invited back! if you're keen on checking out the tour yourself, it runs daily at 3:30pm (and can even include fish a chips if you fancy!) at a special introductory price of five of your great british pounds.