jumper c/o george at asda | skirt : new look | tights : primark | boots*: asos
rebekah is always on me about not wearing a-line or skater skirts. why? i dunno. i guess because she likes my booty, whatever. the point is, i rarely wear body con because, well, i ain't that body con(fident) to be honest, and also, my bum doesn't start or end where it really should, and that's made all the more obvious in something really tight. ya know? anyway, i saw this polka dotty number in the sale when i finally managed to make it out to the shops after christmas, did not try it on, bought it in my actual-bum size (it's...rather a lot bigger than my waist, if you get my drift), and hoped for the best because half price, and because cute.
well colour me dissatisfied; i mean, it's truly not a flattering sight, is it; me in body con? i mean, i am well aware i am... not a skinny lass, but my goodness, at least when i dress myself in my beloved and flattering a-line, i can hide a multitude of sins (the god forsaken underwear map for a start! why!); in this, it's all on show! another thing: this skirt sits in about the same place my skater ones do, but because tight, makes me look tacky and like a bit of a trollop. i ain't a fan. although, perhaps with a longer jumper and a darker pair of tights, this skirt could be salvaged. until then, no. never again.
so why am i sharing this hideous concoction with you? because, why not, right?
(plus, i really liked the mint and berry combo!)