you might remember frock swap from last year's efforts; donna, rachel, debbie and i banded together for a swishing revolution. rather than shop for new or thrift for old, we swapped for inspiration. tired and unloved dresses sadly gathering dust in our wardrobes were posted around the country, begging for a fresh pair of eyes and a new take on something old. it was upcycling at its finest, and we had a blast doing it. so much so that even a few high street brands got involved, and helped us on our swishing way with a few new pieces to keep the party going.
then life happened, and the swap sort of came to a natural end. it was for the best, really, but lately we've been feeling a bit of nostalgia for the days of old, and so - we're bringing it back! albeit with a small line-up change; this year's swappers will be donna and i again, but this time with some fresh faces - charlotte and ally are joining in the fun, and the swaps start now!
i'll be swapping this dress that i featured last year in my fifty shades of pink dress post; i literally haven't worn it since this post, because... i have no idea what to wear it with, and i'm gasping for some style-spiration. i'm hoping these girls can inject some life into this once-loved dress, so that when it makes its way back to me after the swap, it'll be returned to its former glory.
watch this space!