dress* + boots*: asos | biker jacket + wool coat : dorothy perkins | ted baker bag c/o repertoire uk
so... you might remember my pink coat edit of a few weeks ago. you'll remember that as i was typing the post up, one of the coats i was lusting after (number seven) was on offer at dotty p, and so i bought it. well, i was unsure about it, and thought i'd maybe still return it, but wanted to see it in the flesh first. so, i waited for it to be delivered to the store, went in after work, tried on a version of it on the rack - still wasn't sure, but took it home anyway, to decide another day.
well, i got home and ripped open the package, just to find that i had... bought the "tall" version of the coat, and it was swimming on me. and, not just in length. as in, it had muuuch longer arms, a wider shoulder, and skimmed my knees. it was far too big, and i was gutted. if only i'd tried it on in-store, i wouldn't be in this mess! alas, i packaged it back up, and resolved to return it for the right one the next night. two nights spent marching down tottenham court road at 5:30 in as many days. soul destroying.
well, on the second day i was told that you can't actually return the "specialist" items in-store (tall, petite or maternity), and i would have to follow a list of steps in order to be able to return it online instead. fuming, i conceded defeat, grabbed another of the coats from the rack to simply buy in store to make sure i still got the discount, and proceeded to the counter. as i did, my gaze shifted to one of the mannequins... she was in a pastel pink pvc biker number, that i knew i had to have. i grabbed a few sizes off the rack, and got to trying on (having learnt a lesson and all that). size 12: too big. size 10: still too big. size 8: perfect fit. weird, because the wool coat was a 12 and a bit snug across the chestal region. excited by the (false) prospect of being a size 8, i bought both the jackets, and went on my merry way. thank god for credit cards, am i right?
i got home and promptly forgot about them until the weekend, when it was pouring out and both were unsuitable for the weather. two winter jackets that are completely unsuitable for the season they're designed for. so... now i wonder, what is the point of them? outside of being completely adorable, neither are actually practical, and i can't legitimately talk myself into keeping both. so, help me, internet.
i can only keep one, and i am swayed toward the coat as i feel it's more "me" than the jacket (even with that annoying "pull" from the bottom. i checked the lining and it's all fine, so i don't know whhhhy it's doing that!)...
what say you, friend?