when this pink-boxed thing of beauty arrived on my door step, i couldn't wait to get it burning. the bee loved scented candle by beefayre has an overwhelming rose petal aroma, probably due to the combination of essential rose oils and the 100% natural plant wax that i'm told helps to restore a sense of well being and happiness. i can confirm that happiness levels were increased upon first lighting and burning this candle.
things i did not know about beefayre until i read the packaging on the box: 1. 3% of all profits go to bee conservation. in fact, on the company's 'about me' page, it reads: "bees act as a barometre of the health of our planet. protect them, and we protect our future." i don't really care for bees either way, but i think that's really special. let's care more about bees, yeah? 2. all the beefayre well being products are handmade in england, and use the highest quality natural ingredients that are free from all pretroleum by-products. healthy bees, healthy environment.
so, need some (almost) last-minute christmas gift inspo? i've got you covered. the bee-loving folks behind the brand are giving away a couple of the large centred candles just in time for the season of giving. rather than rafflecopter it up, i want you to visit the beefayre website and then leave me a comment telling me which product you'd like to gift, and to who.
just do that, and leave me a way to contact you, and i will pick my favourite ones in a week or so.
go on then, this will be easy as pie.