there are some incredibly gorgeous coats around this season. i think we all know how much i love a pastel anything, and how damn excited i was to see my favourite palette showing no signs of quitting this season, so, i thought it appropriate to bring you a little round up of some of the best fit and flare coats out there at the moment. why fit and flare, you ask? well, because that's the only style that suits me, and well, i'm pretty damn selfish and so that's what's happening.
let it be known that as i type this, i am awaiting confirmation via email of purchase of sale of number seven. i'd been staring at it so long and so damn hard, then noticed on the dotty p website that there was free delivery and 25% off for a limited time and *staring face emoji* before i knew it, the credit card was buying me a new coat. i mean, it's a beautiful coat, and... well, i guess the only problem is... that i don't really *need* a new coat, i just *want* one. and also, i don't really have the money for a new coat, and erm how when i got back from norway my account was in *minus* and this has never happened to me and uhm now i have a new coat on it's way to me and i'm already too scared to look at my credit card balance and it's the first week of the month.
but, life.
clearly i've a bit of a thing currently with a faux fur collar too. i'm nothing if not consistent though, right, because i'm pretty sure that number seven is a pretty close relative to the gorgeous berry coloured coat i last bought at dotty p two autumns ago now. also really loving the double breasted, pea coaty grey version of number five - that bad boy is the cheapest of the lot, and is from george at asda. it's got a bit of wool in it too, probably the same amount as the dotty p one actually, so at £30 it's a right bargain.
number six has been in my saved items for months now, and i just realised is now on sale for. it's got a hood, which is what i love about it (i hate umbrellas man, so inconvenient! having to hold them all the time! i came up with a great idea for an umbrella prototype that i'm gonna try and get off the ground... watch this space), but it's baby blue - according to the site, and not purple, which is what it looks. i... just don't really like blue, ok, which is a shame because it's the coat with the *most* wool content in it, and when we consider my next two holidays are going to be *bloody freezing*, then the wool factor is a crucial one to consider... if number seven doesn't work out, i'm coming back for this.
coats two and four are the same coat, just in multiple colours, and upon inspection i realised they have *zero* wool in them. what is the actual point of a winter coat with no wool? regardless, the fit and flare and biker look of these coats had me at hello. i love a classic line. these are beautiful (if not redundant) coats. coats one and three are. just. flippen. beautiful. both serve up that retro chic feel; very mod, very sixties, and i just simply adore the perfectly pink tones. obvs
god, the more i stare at that image, the more i want to buy all the coats.
tell me what you look for in a good coat?