as we wandered through rathausplatz, we stumbled across a film festival prepping for a night screening in the huge car park, and a delicious-smelling food and drink festival in full swing. we wandered among the crowds and basically noted how gross everything was. i mean, the architecture? horrible. the gardens? disgusting. the intricate details on everything? ew. just, ew. our time in vienna was going to be marred by all the eye sores. we were doomed from the start.
on the way back later that night we stopped back at the festival and enjoyed some of the local drinkies before heading off for dinner. we chose a pretty little restaurant called 'einsteins' that did a double weiner schnitzel for about ten quid. double. weiner. schnitzel. and check out the roof on that bad boy.
say it with me guys, gaah-rooosssssss.