sony headphones c/o legal and general
then i thought about the things i have spent money on, and have had break, thus proving my own stupid point; laptops, phones, luggage - all great *investments* at the time, but with use and wear, things that have still let me down over time. so what? what items would i be prepared to invest in over a cheaper alternative? what do i find myself replacing frequently, and cheaply, to make do?
answer: headphones. the ones that came with my phone busted long ago; branded samsung ones too. one of the sticky ear buddy bits was dislodged, then lost, then they were replaced with a set from ebay. then those were replaced with another set from ebay, and then those again. i'd surmise that within the last 18 months, i have replaced those original ones about four or five times. that's just not acceptable really. and when you consider they're between three and five pounds a set, i've potentially spent twenty quid on cheap ear buds.
so doesn't it make sense in this case, that a small investment up front could save a bit of time (without music) and money (my own) down the track? yes, it definitely does. do i did some research and found a set i would be prepared to spend some money on; these sony headphones* were a steal at less than £35 - free shipping and all, and are pretty, comfy, and i really hope, won't break on me and need replacing any time soon. i've only heard good things about sony as a techie brand, and these in particular are famed as 'dj quality' - i suppose if it's good enough for the professionals, then it should be just as good for me? so far, so good.
so tell me, what's something you'd consider investing in, to save some pennies down the line?