crown : poppydaisy | dress : primark | cardigan*: new look | shoes :
you guys i got a haircut. it's so much shorter than it's been in a long, long time. when i was a kid, my mum always had my hair cut short. bobs. mushroom cuts. undercuts (i have a lot of hair, don't judge her on that. it was the 90s and i probably asked for that one). always short. as an adult, i always wanted long hair, but have always been fond of changing the colour of my hair as well, and the two things - growing hair and dyeing hair, don't go hand in hand.
a couple of years ago - actually, back when i started this blog, my hair was super long. way down past my bra strap; i had been consistently dyeing my hair dark brown for the last couple of years, and it was pretty healthy. then, foolishly, i decided to self-ombre my locks, and properly killed a good chunk of my healthy hair with a terrible home-bleach jobbie. it was ok, for a while, because it was pink and cute and whatever, but after a time it just looked manky. i tried dyeing over the bleach, but it wouldn't take, and ended up looking a bit like i'd dipped my ends in curry sauce. it was yuk. so, i went for the chop. i went from below the bra strap to just above it - about three inches gone like that.
normally, i would have panicked. that's a lot of hair. but, i'd been holding on to this tacky length for so long, in a style that wasn't really me anymore, and the chop came as a bit of a relief. there was still a good chunk of ombre in my length, but the worse bits were gone. i started dyeing it darker again, and things were ok. i'd get regular trims, but that's about it. until this year, when i had my hair cut by made in chelsea's finest back in april, i was sure i wanted to start growing it out again. but... with the likes of kim and dawn o and amy
rocking gorgeous above-shoulder-length dos, well... i wanted to be on their team!
on friday afternoon i made my way down to the purple salon on brewer street in soho, armed with a groupon voucher for a cut, blow dry and deep condition. with my £10 supplement paid for having 'shoulder length or longer hair' (sneaky times thanks to groupon!), i had a quick consultation where i showed my stylist chloe a picture from amy's blog and told her i wanted about three inches gone (the look on her face)("you don't need that much off though, are you sure?"); i was then shown to the basin for my wash, before finally enduring ten minutes of burny-ears hell while the deep treatment worked its magic.
from there, i don't know. i wasn't paying attention. i normally do; watch avidly as they section and cut. not this time. i no longer cared about the outcome. i thought to myself, it's only hair - what's the worst that could happen? i had put quite a lot of faith in chloe that "three inches and a few long layers" would really equate to just that, and so i sat back and played on my phone. until it came to the blow dry... i've never had a blow dry before. i'm approaching 30, and i've never had a blow dry. i rarely blow dry my own hair, i just... not bothered. aint nobody got time for that! normally i wash, brush, blow dry the fringe, and go. the rest just does what it does. so, to watch her go hammer and tongs at blow drying my hair with two soft brushes and the dryer, was like... hypnotising. honestly! the way she twirled the hair around the brush without even looking, then back the other way, and forward again, all the while dragging it through and drying it at different angles... it was mesmerising. she caught me staring a few times, and i just laughed.
you guys, my hair looked so good. for about eight seconds, before the wind caught it and it went haywire. you'll have to trust me on this. it looked flippy and adorable, and i loved everything about it. i've never left a hairdressers totally smitten with a haircut. but this one, is the right one.
how do you feel about getting the chop? love or loathe?