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bargain hunting is my second, third, no fourth favourite past time (after netflix binging, sleeping and eating); so when the london designer outlet asked me if i could put together a bargain style edit based on the shops located in their wonderous little bargain village, i absolutely jumped at the chance. mostly because (literally because i've done nothing of note this week, and so... sorry) a lot of the stores located inside the outlet mall have the same stock available online, which means i dont' have to make my way over to wembley, yet can still take advantage of all the bargains from the comfort of my bed (while fulfilling both my first and second favourite past times simultaneously). i've worked it out alright.
as the name suggests, the outlet is your number one destination for designer clothing in the uk and currently hosts such iconic brands as sunglass hut, kurt geiger, guess and l.k.bennett, as well as some of the high street darlings like h&m, clarks and claire's accessories thrown in for good measure. of the designer items i've got to say that k.g would be my first port of call, as those babe'n nude wedges need to make themelves at home in my shoedrobe as soon as possible. and for a measly £39 i think that's probably going to become a reality.
i mean, it's fairly typical that everything pictured here is pastel, right? it would be an obviously erica style edit otherwise. i have to say though, i really really want everything pictured. and rather than pay postage on everything, and knowing i can get all of the things in one place, i reckon making the trip north to wembley is probably an excellent compromise. wouldn't you agree?
*written in collaboration, all picks are my own*