crown + belt : primark | dress c/o lavish alice | bag : asos | necklace*: dorothy perkins | shoes*: bhs
bruises, bruises, everywhere! i honestly don't know where half of the bruises on my body come from, but considering i discovered the majority of these on saturday morning, well it's fair to say they were probably alcohol induced. it doesn't take much at all for me to bruise, so i am at a loss.
when this dress arrived from lavish alice, i did a little happy dance around the room. it's the most perfect shade of bubblegum pink - as the name suggests, and so is now going to be my forever wednesday-dress. the cut of it is a bit weird, or maybe it's the wrong size. that's definitely a possibility, a lot of my things have started being a little looser in the places (not intentional) lately, and i kinda don't like the look of this belted. i wore this outfit on saturday (sans floral crown and avec footless tights cos i'm not brave) to musical bingo, but left the belt at home.
i think the cut of the dress kind of creates the illusion of shape when there maybe isn't any - particularly under the bust where i am forever cinching things in, this has a dart seam that runs down under the bust which *should* draw it in - given it being the right size. so, who knows. what i do know is that it is all kinds of perfect; let's look at the facts: 1) it has sleeves to keep bingo wings in check, 2) it has a v-neck for the flattering but not gratuitous boob shot (collarbones make me look skinny, but really it's just that my boobs are so heavy they drag all the skin down south), 3) pink, duh, 4) perfect box pleats that almost have me take off when i spin (and, there was spinning on saturday night to evidence that). plus it's just hit the sales too, so it's a measly £16 from £42! that's 5) a massive bargain.
and you all know how i feel about bargains.