it's that time of year again, isn't it? summer. we're half way through yet another year. while the sun's shining down and warming the city's footpaths and stinking out the garbage-lines streets, we're keen to spend less time in the office and more time in the city parks or friends' yards or beer gardens of our locals. it's the other time of year that we're forced to take stock of *where our lives are headed* and wonder... am i in the right job...? or is that just me? no, it can't be, because my friends are all in the same mind set - well, those of them who haven't quite worked their lives out just yet, like me.
when i heard the city calling, my uk job search was the hardest thing i'd ever encountered. it took months to get anywhere close to me finding work - even temporarily, and i was pretty certain i'd be heading home sooner than i had planned. as i watched my life's savings (already halved, thanks to the exchange rate, then almost halved again after a couple of weeks in ireland) dwindle down to my emergency last thousand pounds (not a lot for london, trust!), i gave up on finding the job and settled on taking any job.
that was almost four years ago... so guess what i've just gone and done? well, i have just gone and handed my notice in, and started the great countdown towards the next step. what does that mean? it means, i went and got offered the job of my dreams, that's what! well, it's definitely a step in the right direction towards that, and you know what? i couldn't be more chuffed, or still, more confused about how it all happened! more on that another time. for now though, the hot topic remains... what am i going to bloody wear?!
that was almost four years ago... so guess what i've just gone and done? well, i have just gone and handed my notice in, and started the great countdown towards the next step. what does that mean? it means, i went and got offered the job of my dreams, that's what! well, it's definitely a step in the right direction towards that, and you know what? i couldn't be more chuffed, or still, more confused about how it all happened! more on that another time. for now though, the hot topic remains... what am i going to bloody wear?!

probably still a lot of pastels, ha. some things will never change! thankfully, the new job and the new office are in the creative industry, so i reckon i'm going to get away with not having to suit up - which is a massive relief. although i do really like the idea of the first outfit; she's all business up top, and party downstairs. the pink and polka dots bring a bit of fun to an otherwise pretty standard corporate-look. to be fair, the only way you'd get me into a corporate office is with an outfit like this. the second and third outfits are definitely a lot more casual and feminine, but there are always a few things you need to remember when you're working in a less-formal office...
a) jackets. they may say it's 'smart casual' but a blazer or jacket may still preferable over a cardigan or other type of outer wear. you'll get the vibe from when you're interviewed, but you don't want to make this mistake on day one. it's always best to be overdressed than under.
b) hemlines. smart casual does not mean tacky. you do not want to get a reputation in the office for anything other than your work - keep your hemlines respectable for an office. c) same with sleeve lengths - and this goes for body modifications too. if you have tattoos or piercings and you're not sure if these are totally ok for the office, best to cover them up until you know one way or the other. although they seem totally normal and common place these days, you have to remember not everyone is as open minded as we'd like them to be, so rather than 'offend' the wrong person on day one, keep them covered until you're comfortable.
d) shoes! if you're going to be on your feet all day, doesn't it make sense to keep them comfy? i have never (nor will i ever be) that girl who wears trainers to the office and changes them at her desk. if my shoes aren't comfortable enough to walk to work in, they're not comfortable enough to work in. the end.
e, f, g) your accessories. nothing worse than being that girl who can be heard jangling her way down the office for all the jewellery clanging about her person. keep accessories simple and tasteful (nails included), and make sure you're prepared for the first few days with your own notepads and pens to show you're ready to jump in and learn. nothing worse than those things not being provided for you, and you scrambling to remember everything. you also don't want to rock up with your disco clutch from saturday night. you're at work, maybe you're taking your lunch in, and - not me though, maybe a change of shoes. you'll want to be taking a decent, work-sized bag. show 'em you mean business.
a) jackets. they may say it's 'smart casual' but a blazer or jacket may still preferable over a cardigan or other type of outer wear. you'll get the vibe from when you're interviewed, but you don't want to make this mistake on day one. it's always best to be overdressed than under.
b) hemlines. smart casual does not mean tacky. you do not want to get a reputation in the office for anything other than your work - keep your hemlines respectable for an office. c) same with sleeve lengths - and this goes for body modifications too. if you have tattoos or piercings and you're not sure if these are totally ok for the office, best to cover them up until you know one way or the other. although they seem totally normal and common place these days, you have to remember not everyone is as open minded as we'd like them to be, so rather than 'offend' the wrong person on day one, keep them covered until you're comfortable.
d) shoes! if you're going to be on your feet all day, doesn't it make sense to keep them comfy? i have never (nor will i ever be) that girl who wears trainers to the office and changes them at her desk. if my shoes aren't comfortable enough to walk to work in, they're not comfortable enough to work in. the end.
e, f, g) your accessories. nothing worse than being that girl who can be heard jangling her way down the office for all the jewellery clanging about her person. keep accessories simple and tasteful (nails included), and make sure you're prepared for the first few days with your own notepads and pens to show you're ready to jump in and learn. nothing worse than those things not being provided for you, and you scrambling to remember everything. you also don't want to rock up with your disco clutch from saturday night. you're at work, maybe you're taking your lunch in, and - not me though, maybe a change of shoes. you'll want to be taking a decent, work-sized bag. show 'em you mean business.
so tell me guys, what have i missed?
let me know your work-appropriate tips below so i can start this ting right.
*written in collaboration with City Calling; all words are my own*