glasses c/o firmoo | top + sandals : primark | skirt*: new look
over the last few months it's become pretty glaring obvious (irony much) that my eyesight has somewhat deteriorated to a point where i have employed 'the squint' as my go-to pose, and frequently refer to other people to read things that are far/near/of in between distance to me, because i just can't do it myself. and, despite owning more than five pairs of fabulous glasses, i still can't bring myself to wear any of them all the time... i just don't think they 'suit' me. i feel like i always look like that person who's wearing prescription-less glasses as a fashion statement (the statement is, you look dumb), and i'm never believable enough to pull them off full-time. i suppose i really should get over that, because that squint i was telling you about, is actually not a better look; they both look dumb.
so, when the blogosphere-renowned maker-of-adoable-specs company firmoo got in touch asking if i'd like to try a pair of theirs, i absolutely jumped at the chance. why? a few month ago i spotted the always-adorable kate sporting a pair of lilac firmoo specs herself, and had instant lust for them. if there was ever a pair of glasses that were going to fit into my wardrobe, and make me look believable as a full-time four-eyes, it's going to be a pastel pair... am i right?
well, i found an even better pair; these are lilac and pale pink. and, they're way less expensive than what i would expect to pay for something so caauuute; less than £35 and totally adorable. i mean wuuuuuut! kinda perfect, right? for me, anyway, not sure how many other folk would mind wearing pastel tones across their face on the daily, but for me, it's absolutely necessary. so, come sunny sunday and i was able to don my favourite my lil' pony tee, i was all kinds of happy about the addition of the pastel goggles, and upped the ante by adding as many other aspects of purple as possible. sadly, this only included sandals. but. i tried.
tell me these pastel glasses aren't the most adorable things ever?
go on, tell me!