hat : mr.p | dress c/o joe browns | shoes*: bhs | neckalace : a renegade seller - do you know who?
ooh hey, nice hair band there love. jeez. when will i become a professional? hint: probably never. so, this dress arrived on my desk p.m (pre-move), and got packed away with all the others, still in the parcel bag and completely overlooked until tuesday afternoon when i unpacked my many, many boxes of dresses. i'd well and truly forgotten that i'd even had it. can you imagine my excitement as i ripped that parcel bag open in the middle of the tip that was my room around 8pm on tuesday night? no, no you cannot.
full disclosure: i'd never even heard of joe browns until they got in touch a few weeks back, but boy am i glad that i do now know about them. why? because this dress - besides being a totally babe'n style, is the perfect fit (hello! we all know how much trouble i have with online shopping)! as in, it fit's me perfectly. the zip almost argued with me around the bust, but i told it off and we were all good after that. the fabric is really good quality - it's not lined, but the skirt is so full that it is heavy enough to watch over my modesty with no dramas.
the gathered belt (non functional, thankfully) is sewn into the dress, so simply acts as a flattering focal point while holding me all in tightly. plus, the massive collar! are you kiddddding me? all the adorable elements of this dress completely make me forget that it's legit navy blue and lilac not black and pale pink like i foolishly assumed it was from the picture on the website (now that i look again, it definitely says 'blue floral', so). these emeraldy-tealy corked wedges are the newest additions to my shoe collection, and i think they offset the emeraldy-tealy of the leaves in the print of the dress really well, which was a surprise as i would never have thought to wear them with this outfit. but, there you go! surprises all 'round!
it was so rainy out when i took these pics, the wee necklace was an homage to the weather.
as was the hat... dear sun; please come back. regards, erica.